
Healthy and different – healthy barefoot shoes for kindergarten

How to choose healthy shoes for kindergarten

Attending kindergarten is an important time in every child’s life. It is there that he or she meets new people, makes his or her first major acquaintances and shapes himself or herself not only mentally, but also physically. Scientists refer to this time as secondary socialisation – because by meeting new people, a person forms his or her own habits, learns what he or she likes and dislikes. Fun? This is an important aspect, so don’t let uncomfortable shoes interfere with it.

Choose healthy nursery shoes for your child. Minimalist shoes that are flexible and fit your child’s foot from Magical Shoes. Zero drop shoes from Magical Shoes will work well both outside and inside the nursery building.

We have already written many times about the fact that healthy habits should be implemented in a child’s life from an early age. The same is true for taking care of health, which can start with buying the right shoes. Zero drop shoes will provide your child with what is known as zero drop, meaning that the difference in slope from foot to heel will be exactly zero. This is important because this will ensure that the toddler’s foot distributes its weight across the sole of the foot. This will allow him to run freely, which he loves so much.

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Catch your breath and keep running

A young child is also a mass of energy, which he wants to spend on long play. When choosing shoes for kindergarten, it is therefore very important that the foot can breathe easy. By opting for flexible shoes from Magical Shoes, you are opting for breathable and air-permeable footwear. In addition to the leather version, you will also find fully eco-friendly, vegan shoes in our range, whose fabric allows the foot to sit freely. How do you understand this?

Kindergarten shoes are an important aspect for any toddler who is already taking his first steps. By walking in zero drop shoes from Magical Shoes, you can be sure that your child has plenty of room in the toes (which will not deform) and that the sole is abrasion-resistant. Why replace shoes every month when you can buy once and be satisfied for a long time? It is worth investing in children in particular, as the habit of good posture and taking steps with the whole foot is formed in them from an early age.

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Pick and mix!

Let us now turn to the less medical aspects, because the appearance of the shoes is just as important to the child. When creating our shoes for the little ones, we took care to include a whole range of colours and patterns. You will find them in green, red, blue, light and beige, with various motifs at the top. From animals such as hippos and monkeys to various fruits. Can you imagine anything cooler?

Well, yes! It is the combination of health, detail and diverse design that makes it possible to combine healthy running and playing shoes with health-promoting properties.

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